Pass Investment Management announced that it has exceeded €1 billion in assets under management. The fixed income specialist who excels across the digital investment sector has reached this milestone fairly quickly as a private investment firm.

According to CEO James O’Connor-Walsh, this is a huge achievement and would like to personally thank all staff personnel and a huge list of private clients for achieving the milestone.

In a news release, O’Connor-Walsh expressed his excitement over the company rapidly surpassing €1 billion in AUM this year, as well “the accelerating client interest and adoption of the Cryptocurrency investment bonds becoming their most popular product to date.

“The investment landscape and volatility has experienced a tectonic shift over the last 18 months as investors reallocate significant portions of their portfolios to fixed income, traditional or digital,” O’Connor-Walsh added. “With yields at the highest levels in decades and continued economic uncertainty, we expect that shift to continue to the upside for our clients.”

Their recent achievement has come from the huge popularity of their Cryptocurrency investment bonds offering a variety of interest from 6-10% per annum. Pass Investment Managers’ digital holdings surpass over 60% of their total AUM (around €600 billion) across BTC, ETH and USDT holdings.